Paleo Granola

Granola is a lovely treat breakfast in our house.

I make a batch once a week and the kids love it.  Its also a great snack for after school activities or long car trips!

Nourish Paleo Granola

  • 1 cup of cashews
  • 1 cup of sunflower seeds
  • 1 cup of almond
  • 1 cup of pumpkin seeds
  • 2 tablespoons of chia seeds
  1. Soak all nuts and seeds (except chia, do this separately) in a bowl of water overnight with 1 teaspoon of salt to neutralise the phytic acid and activate.
  2.  Drain and pat dry (Chia drain as best you can and add wet to other nuts and seeds)
  3. Place on sheets in dehydrator at 40 degrees for 12 hours or place in roasting pan with  2 table spoons of coconut oil and bake at 40 degrees for approx 2 hours or until nuts and seeds are crunchy (every oven is different!)
  4. Once nuts and seeds are dry you can serve them as is or mix in 1 tablespoon of honey and serve.

Serve with any of these options

  • almond milk
  • blended berries
  • raw organic yogurt
  • coconut yogurt
  • banana and berry blend (1/2 a banana and 1 handful of berries blended)
  • dried fruit

The great thing about this dish is that it can easily be nut free or add or exclude any nut/seed that suits your tastes.   I usually double the recipe!

If your little one finds the nuts and seeds too bulky give them a quick pulse in the blender to break them down to a more agreeable size!

This sounds recipes sounds labour intensive but its not once you have done it a few times and the taste is certainly worth it!!!



x x x