Easy Food Combination Tips To Get Your Tummy Back On Track
Hi there,
Are you struggling with your digestion?
Maybe the ratios of foods on your plate aren't quite right?
One of the best things you can do for your gut health is to get your ratios of carbs, protein and veggies/fruits perfect.
Green/Fruits/Veggies 1/2 of your meal
Aiming for 1/2 your meal to be full of fruits, greens or non-starchy veggies, is key for feeding all the good bacteria that live in your tummy. When these good guys are firing, they break down your protein and carbs so much more efficiently, really helping you to have optimal digestion!
Protein 1/4 of your meal
Protein is so important for making you feel full, happy, energetic and strong, but it needs to always be eaten with veggies or fruits so that it breaks down optimally. If you don't have protein with veggies or fruits, it won't digest easily and will make you feel tired/bloated and maybe even constipated! Bad combo! Pairing protein with veggies/fruit is key for getting that protein digested and being used efficiently to make you feel strong and amazing!
Try to aim for 1/4 of your meal being protein.
Carbs 1/4 of your meal
You don't have to have carbs at every meal but if you do have them on your plate ensure they only take up 1/4 of your meal. I love whole food carbs like root veggies (potato, kumara, pumpkin), they're much easier to digest than grains and most people with digestive issues do well on them. Some people do tolerate non glutinous grains like rice, quinoa, buckwheat, and corn, but they really need to be kept to 1/4 of the meal. If the carb portion gets too high, the good guys in the gut don't like this. They find it really hard to break down the carbs and this can cause bloating, pain, reflux, gas production, nausea ...you get the gist!
Try working hard on your ratios to get your gut on track sustainably.
- 1/2 meal veggies/fruits/greens
- 1/4 meal protein
- 1/4 meal carbs
Apply this to every meal, not just dinner!!
Doing all of this right but still having trouble with your tummy?
It might be time to test your gut thoroughly. Often there can be gut infections or food allergies that are causing problems for you.
Get in touch to discuss testing and treatment options that are right for you.
Keep listening to your body and reach out if you need support.
Follow me on insta for lots of daily pics for food inspiration https://www.instagram.com/nourishhealthandnutrition
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