Underlying food allergies can cause a lot of inflammation and associated symptoms.

Every person who suffers from allergies seems to experience slightly different symptoms. 

Some can have classic allergy symptoms such as:

  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Itchy eyes
  • Swelling and rashes
  • Hives
  • Wheezing and Coughing
  • Inflamed and swollen joints
  • Chronic low immunity 

However allergies can also trigger inflammation in the digestive system which can ignite a range of symptoms in the gut

  • Reflux (which can go on to cause SIBO - small intestinal bacterial overgrowth from reflux moving bacteria from large intestine to the small intestine, creating ongoing reinfection)
  • Nausea 
  • Vomiting
  • Digestive bloating and pain
  • Constipation or diarrhea or both.
  • Fatigue

And furthermore allergies ( if severe and ongoing) can trigger autonomic nervous system dysfunction (dysautonomia), such as:

  • Dizziness
  • POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a condition characterized by an abnormally large increase in heart rate upon sitting up or standing)
  • Headaches
  • Racing heart rate / arrhythmia
  • Temperature regulation issues
  • Histamine intolerance


In the past we've always tried to monitor the symptoms after each meal, to work out what a patient is reacting to and adjust diet accordingly. However for some people it is not clear what foods are triggering reactions and it can be a frustrating process.


The IgE and IgG - General Foods - Blood Draw 

We have recently had a new test come available through Nutripath that offers very thorough allergy screening. 

I've now been using this test for the good part of a year and have been having amazing results for patients who have been suffering with chronic inflammatory, gut and immune conditions.


This test reviews two allergy types  | IgE allergies (quick onset allergies) & IgG allergies (delayed onset allergies)


- IgE Food Antibody Panel is a food allergy test which analyses blood levels of IgE antibodies for 27 foods, as well as Total IgE. This tests immediate reaction to specific foods.

- IgG Food Antibody Panel is a food allergy test which analyses serum levels of IgG antibodies for 96 foods, as well as Total IgG. IgG Allergies are delayed reactions.  Generally, an IgG reaction occurs hours to days after exposure to these food antigens. The foods that cause these delayed reactions are often hard to diagnose because of the time between consumption and the physical reaction. 


Supplements that help to offset the allergy response

  • Natural Antihistamine Herbs such as Stinging Nettle, Quercetin and Bromelain. This natural antihistamine from nature's sunshine is one of my favorites it works well on all mild to moderate allergic reactions settling symptoms quickly.



  • The Big 3 Immune Nutrients Vitamin D, Zinc and Vitamin C all provide great immune support to calm reactivity in the immune system. This immune support from give back health contains all three immune supports in one capsule ( Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) 250 mg Zinc citrate dihydrate 15.6 mg Equiv. Zinc 5 mg Colecalciferol (Vitamin D 500 IU) 12.5 mcg)




Not sure if this test is right for you? Send through an email and I'll let you know whether this test would be appropriate or not given your symptoms.

Know someone who needs to know this information to get their health back on track? Share this email with friends/family.

Lets all get healthy together



x x x


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