Are the food additives you are eating affecting your health?

Eating as close to nature is the easiest way to stay healthy. Remember that when you are trying to work out what to eat. Humans have evolved eating these natural whole foods and you can take comfort and reassurance in the fact that your body is designed to eat food grown in nature.

Since the industrial revolution our foods have become increasingly processed. Navigating the supermarket these days is an absolute minefield.

Processed and packaged foods contain additives that can really push our health and mood in the wrong direction.  We all intuitively know this, but sometimes it is tricky to work out what is a good choice and what isn't. Food marketing and packaging can often convince us we're eating something healthy, when in fact it is the opposite!! We need to get savvy and protect ourselves from the toxins that are rife in the food industry.

Why are additives used?

Some of the main functions of additives are to:

  • Improve the colour, taste, appearance, and texture of food
  • Stop food from spoiling, drying out, or going rancid
  • Keep food moist

If most of us really knew what additives we were eating, we would think twice before giving that food to ourselves or to our beautiful baby's!

When our health isn't 100% we can suffer significant flare ups in symptoms when exposed to additives.  Avoiding food additives is an important step to getting our health back on track again. I get all my patients to try avoid additives in their foods and it works, the body loves food from nature and can right itself when nourished with the right fuel.

In an ideal world we would only be eating whole foods

✅root veggies
✅small amounts of whole-grains grains (gluten free if possible)
✅small amounts of organic dairy (if tolerant)
✅small amounts of sprouted legumes (if tolerated)

However life is often busy, we are rushing around in our modern lives and sometimes we just need to grab foods that come from packets!

Trying to get the balance right is fundamental. If 90% of the foods we are eating come from whole foods, then generally our bodies can manage to tolerate small amounts of processed foods, as long as they don't contain too many additives.

The key when eating packaged foods, is to have the least processed options possible, avoiding all those nasty additives.

❌flavour enhancers (including maltodextrine & msg)
❌synthetic sweeteners
❌acidity regulators
❌anti-caking agents

Read labels on the back of your packets.  If there are any additives from the list above then put it back on the shelf! Use your common sense if it doesn’t sound like real food don't eat it!

Ensure your ingredients are foods you recognise as nutrients from nature.


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